I enjoy writing manifestos for brands, and I’ve written quite a few of them over the years. Below is a sampling of some favorites.

When’s the last time you surprised your mouth?

Like, really surprised it.

It used to be, if you wanted to surprise your mouth, you’d have put things in it that aren’t supposed to go in there.

Like a brazil nut. Or your shirt.

Some people have had their mouths for their whole lives and yet still take them for granted.

“Oh my mouth doesn’t need to be surprised anymore. It’s too old for that,” they think.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

Every relationship, whether it’s a boyfriend, girlfriend or your mouth, requires effort, and little surprises here and there.

It’s on you to keep your mouth happy in order for the rest of your face, upper torso and legs to be happy, too.

That’s just science.

And that’s what Gushers are for!

That inexplicable, unapologetic, unpredictable blast of sweet, gooey liquid that you and your mouth know is coming!

But forget is coming! Every time.

Then, boom! It’s Gush city, and your mouth is like, “Wait, what just happened?”

And you’re like, “I know, right?”

And your mouth is like, “For real, that was messed up.”

And you’re like, “Dude, tell me about it.”

It’s the kind of surprise that keeps you and your mouth on your toes.

Just the way you both like it.

GUSHERS. Mess with your mouth!


There’s a secret ingredient in achieving perfection.

Beyond hard work.

Beyond time. 

Even beyond ideas. 

It’s something that separates good from great. 

And great from Holy #@$%. 

It is Madness. 

That little part of our brain that reads the rulebook so it knows what not to do. 

That does things that don’t make sense until they start to. 

That isn’t satisfied until, well, never. 

Because being satisfied means you’re done.

 And madness doesn’t like being done. 

It’s madness that fueled Carolus Nolet for 7 years while he created our first batch. 

It’s madness that said a family member should taste every single batch before it goes out.

That made us combine lemon varieties from three different continents before it tasted just right. 

That told us the best way to introduce our vodka to America was going bar-to-bar on a bicycle. 

And that the 11th generation of our family would carry the torch as brightly as the first, over three centuries ago. 

So if you enjoy our vodka, like so many have before you, don’t thank us, thank Madness. 

Without it, we’d just be making regular old vodka. 

Ketel One. Made from Madness.


It’s the big things in life that get the spotlight

 The big dreams

 The big goals

 The big achievements

 We pine over them

 We celebrate them

 We focus on them so much

 That we rarely pay attention to what got us there

 The small things

 The unsung heroes along the journey

 That little by little

 One by one

 Conspire to become the big things

 It’s something we call

 The Small Effect

 The Small Effect is a belief

 A philosophy

 A movement

 A ripple

 A decision to see the big things in life in a new way

 To break them into bite-sized pieces

 To make them feel attainable

 Whether it’s competing for gold in the Olympics

 Or planning your retirement

 The Small Effect is a way to focus energy

 To keep momentum going

 To stave off intimidation and fear

 To celebrate the little victories

 To see the forest

 And the trees

  At TD Ameritrade, we help guide our customers toward their goals one small step at a time

 With humanity and expertise

 Cheering you on

 Challenging you to discover that investing doesn’t have to be boring or intimidating.

 It can be simple

 And, dare we say, even fun.

 Because no one understands the power of small like we do

 Let everyone else talk about the big things

 We’ll stick with small.


Here are a couple of well-researched words about quitting smoking:

It sucks.

Anyone who tells you otherwise either hasn’t tried or is one of those annoyingly positive people who no one wants to be around.

If you could learn from the collective experience of the millions of quitters before you

There’s one very simple, very important thing you can hope for as you embark on your journey.

That it will suck less.

 Don’t underestimate the difference between sucking and sucking less. It’s monumental when you’re in the belly of the beast.

 It’s a difference that will help you learn how to separate coffee from cigarettes.

 How to deal with not joining your coworkers on their routine smoke break.

 How to gain some control over your feelings of irritability, hunger and fatigue.

 How to not let one slip-up derail all the hard-fought progress you’ve made.

 How to help you deal with the fact that quitting isn’t an event, but a process.

 Following the Nicorette program won’t eliminate all the bumps along the road

 But our team of scientists and psychologists with 24-years of experience can certainly help to smooth a few of them for you.

 In other words, we can help it suck less.

 Before you know it, it will stop sucking all together.

 And that, will be a very good day.


It’s just a click.

 A mindless act in our everyday lives.

 But what if it was more than just a click?

 What if there was meaning the behind payments you make?

 Purpose. Emotion. Goodwill.

 What if that click was no longer a reflex

 But rather an important choice

 As important as the choices you make with your purchases.

 At PayPal, our entire reason for being

 Is to give that click meaning

 Our yellow button may be small

 But where it takes you, is far from it.

 It’s a portal

 A connection to something larger than yourself.

 A charity, a small business, a cause, a friend

 It is an opportunity

 To feel good about the money you’re putting out into the world

 Knowing that it has value far beyond your transaction

 Knowing that it stands for something.

For ethical commerce.

 For an open and inclusive world

 For a level playing field for small business.

 Sure, it’s just a click.

 But it’s so much more than that.

 PayPal. Don’t just pay. Pay it forward.


In over eight-eight years of making vehicles

We’ve followed one guiding principle in engineering and design.

If it doesn’t make the driver feel something

Then it’s time to go back to the drawing board.

Which is how we ended up here.

With a driving experience that hits you on emotional level

One that gives you butterflies. 

And then gives those butterflies the chills.

Because everything we innovate is only as exciting

As it makes you feel.

Ariya. Excitement Engineered.


Imagine, if you will, an entertainment world.

 And in this world, there are 45,000 On Demand titles to choose from.

 Can you even count to 45,000?

 Of course you can’t. No one can!

 Imagine, in this world, that you can also rid yourself of those annoying remotes.

 All eleven of them.

 And replace them with one non-annoying remote.

 A remote that listens to you when you tell it to do things like dim your lights

 The remote’s got ears, you guys!

 Imagine never having to search for a show or movie letter-by-letter ever again, like some crazy letter-by-letter searching person!

 Imagine no longer needing to keep multiple usernames and password logins straight. That’s the opposite of entertainment!

 Imagine putting an end to switching between apps and wires to find what you’re looking for. Now just say it and it’s there. As it should in a civilized society!

 Imagine all of it!

 And then stop imagining. Because it’s real.

 It’s science, technology, and a crystal ball all rolled into one.

 It’s called the future.

 And it’s Televisionary. 



We are not music lovers.

 We are music-obsessed

 It turns out, there’s a difference.

 18 years ago, we discovered what that difference was.

 When a song became more than just a song

 When we heard something more.

 Over 450 somethings to be precise.

 This was the moment that our Music Genome Project unlocked hidden clues that each song contained.

 Clues that told us there was a way to personalize music experiences in ways that seemed unimaginable

 In ways that would make music lovers very, very happy.

 And everything we’ve done since that day has been in service of that.

 Of recognizing that no two listeners are the same

 Of seeing them all as individuals with unique tastes and moods

 Of curating musical adventures that take them to places they didn’t even know they wanted to go

 But somehow feel at home once they’re there.

 It’s a commitment that has taken us on a journey too.

 From radio to mixtapes to on-demand and beyond

 From an experiment in 1999, to the world’s most powerful music discovery platform in the world today.

 With 78 million active monthly listeners

Listeners who have humbled us with their 75 billion thumbs

 And the 10 billion stations they’ve created. And counting.

 We are and will always be a place where artists and fans are connected.

 A playground for the musically curious.

 A destination for Millennials.

 A place where musicians who are trying to make a living making music, can.

 Because we believe deeply in the power of music.

 And the power of the individual.

 And when you bring the two together, the possibilities are limitless.

 So we will continue with our mission to experiment.

 To search for new possibilities.

 To innovate effortless ways for each and every one of our listeners to find the music they love.

 And for the music they love to find them.

 Pandora. Sounds like you.


Ritz is the cracker of the people

 It has been since the beginning

 Buttery, round, and universally loved

 The snack that people go back to year after year

 And eat with pride


 And tradition

 The one that hasn’t changed in over 80 years

 Because it’s comfortable being itself

 Just like the people who eat it

 It’s time to celebrate this iconic little cracker and all of those who love it

 Who eat Ritz whenever they want

 Wherever they want

 However they want

 On a couch, on a yacht, on a mountain

 With peanut butter, cottage cheese or absolutely nothing on top

 There’s no wrong way

 Only your way

 To enjoy Ritz as you see fit.

 To make it your own

 Because after all, it’s the cracker that lets you be you.

 So settle in, tear open a sleeve and feel free to...

 Ritz as you are.


 As a small business entrepreneur

There are milestones that you look to along the journey

Moments when you think to yourself

Okay, now this is about to feel legit

Now it’s gonna feel real

Moments when you feel a surge of confidence

That propels your dream one step closer to reality

And while you may experience many moments like this

There’s one that you’ll always remember

The moment you hand out your first business card

When suddenly your little idea you is transformed into a big idea.

Into a conversation.

A relationship. 

That’s when you know 

You’re in business. 

Vistaprint. Now you’re in business. 



When your peel away the layers of your business’s enterprise system, you’re left with one critically important thing.

 Your relationship with your customers.

 A relationship that can become obscured by those layers or flourish within them.

 There is a pivotal moment in these relationships, when your business begins to understand your customers’ needs so well, that those needs start to inform even your everyday decisions with great clarity and purpose.

 At Adobe, the systems that we help to create share a singular focus toward forging these relationships that can separate good companies from great ones.

 Relationships that streamline complex processes to make everyone’s lives easier.

 Relationships that no longer waste your business’s money on things you’re customers don’t want. But rather, adapt to the things that they do.

 Relationships that solve problems with flexibility and with attention to individual needs, not boilerplate, fix-all solutions.

 Relationships that let you communicate with your customers across channels and across platforms. Both online and off.

 And relationships that mutually reward the elusive yet invaluable concept of loyalty.

 There’s a reason why all ten of the world’s largest publicly traded companies looked to Adobe for solutions.

 And why nine of the top ten global manufacturing firms use Adobe tools.

 We know how to help you to connect with your customers in a way that allows you both to prosper.

 Because in the end if you’re relationship isn’t strong, then no matter how well your system appears to be working… it’s not working well enough.

 Welcome to Adobe Relationship-Driven Enterprise.


It begins with a spark

A curiosity

A gnawing

A calling

With an idea

That you can’t get out of your head

It begins with butterflies

That feel more like pigeons

It begins with falling down

It begins with getting back up

And falling down again

It begins when “no”

Starts to sound a lot like “go”

It begins out on a limb

It begins when that limb starts feeling comfortable

It begins with a vision

That you can actually see

It begins when other people see it, too

It begins with changing the world

Even just your little piece of it.

It begins now.

It begins with membership.


A lot has changed since 1939

 In the world, and in our industry

 We’ve changed too

 Expanding from our 80 acres in Modesto

 To six hundred ranches across the West Coast

 Adding new plants, one or two new trucks

 And 12,000 new faces

 With big changes, come temptations

 That can throw companies off course

 And lead them to do things because they’re fashionable

 Or look better on the bottom line

 We could have chosen that path

 One where we focused on healthy profits

 Instead of healthy chicken

 But that’s not a path we could stand by

 Or one that would make us proud to come to work every day

 What makes us proud is our promise

 Our promise to provide the best, most natural, nutritious food we know how to grow

 Pure and simple

 It’s something we’ve delivered on for over eight decades

 We are more than chicken farmers and plant workers and truck drivers

 What we do is bigger than all of that.

 Because it stretches far beyond these walls

 Onto the dinner tables of families all over the West Coast

 People who deserve better, fresher food

 From the GIs returning home seventy five years ago, to suburbanites, Beatniks, hippies, yuppies and techies today

 We’ve welcomed people home, generation after generation

 To simple, better meals they can feel good about

 That’s our purpose

 And it drives every decision we make

 To keep things fresh and unprocessed and local

 To say no to plumping

 No to hormones, to steroids, and no to antibiotics

 To raise chickens the right way

 Cage free and certified by the American Humane Association

 Chickens that contain only chicken

 These may seem like simple, straightforward things

 That’s because they are.

 But it’s these simple things

 That make all the difference in the food we make

 As we look toward the future of organic

 Of nourishing healthy families for another 75 years.

 With chicken that’s simply better.


Here are a few things that sound good to us.

 Focusing on the words in a conversation instead of the minutes. That sounds good.

 Hearing your son’s voice while you’re away on business or your 4-day-old niece's cry who you haven’t met yet. Those are both sounds we’re big fans of.

 Calling your friend in Italy for free sounds good. And your friends in France, the UK, Spain and Ireland too. Man, you’re popular.

 Calling China for a penny just sounds fun. You should definitely do that.

 Breaking free from the phone company's copper shackles sounds good. Don’t get us wrong Mr. Bell, that was one hell of an invention you had back in 1876, but it is 2009, after all.

 Unraveling yourself from the cable company’s bundle sounds pretty darned good too. Knowing a really good price won’t go up in a year sounds refreshingly good, because a good price that goes up isn’t really a good price, it’s a tease. And no one likes to be teased.

 Making your home phone cool again sounds like a good idea. We like what happens when you plug old faithful into the energy and limitless ideas of the Internet. We think you will too.

 That’s why we don’t call our features, features. We call them Goodies. Twenty-five of them, to be exact. Goodies are useful. Goodies are smart. Goodies don’t just make manuals longer, they make products better.

 Goodies are good.

 But what really makes all of this sound good is that it only costs $24.99 a month. Because holding onto your money could very well be the best sound of all.

 Vonage. Sounds good.


While the elite luxury car companies are all certainly capable of making beautiful things, somewhere in their process of engineering and design

The connection between what they’re making, and who they’re making it for, is lost.

There’s a monumental difference between something that’s beautiful for beauty’s sake

And something that’s beautiful with a genuine reason for being.

That has purpose beneath the surface. That’s created with people at the forefront.

When a luxury car is born from this type of thinking

It can transform the driver’s experience from one of enjoyment to one of complete harmony with their car.

This is the kind of thinking that goes into every single thing we do at Acura.

We don’t set out to make cars with the most bells and whistles

We set out to make cars that make our drivers truly feel that we had them in mind from the very beginning of the process.

In performance, in comfort, in safety, in connectedness, and in price. 

These aren’t just beautiful machines we’re making, they’re beautiful machines made for people.

In the words of Tetsuo Iwamura, they are vehicles that perform “at the will of every driver.”

Let’s not squander our unique mindset in the luxury category.

Let’s seize it and create an advertising campaign that’s just as unique.

Let’s reframe the entire conversation of the driving experience

Let’s show the world see all of the engineering, design and thinking that goes into our cars through the lens of the people’s actual lives.

We are not a company who starts by designing “car features,” then sits back and hopes people will like them.

We are a company who starts by understanding “people features,” then designs a car around them. 

A car that we know they’ll love.

So let’s do exactly that with our advertising.

Let’s be the first car company in the world to advertise people to Acuras.

Yes, people to Acuras.

Let’s show everyone, literally, that people are made for our cars just as much as we’re made for them.

And that when they meet, a relationship is formed between car and driver, unlike any other. 

Together they become one.

Machine, meet man. Machine, meet man.

Acura. Made for Mankind.



Our cameras are brimming with it

The moments of joy that we choose to hang on our walls

Or place our desks

Or mail off in our holiday cards

We’ll call, choreographed joy

Big smiles, all eyes open, matching-white-sweaters-on-the-beach kind of joy.

Beautiful frame-worthy moments in all their staged glory

But there’s another kind of joy hidden in those cameras

A less polished kind

The joy between those poses

That we should remember never to overlook

Because it’s beautiful, too.

It’s spontaneous

It’s surprising

And sometimes even a little awkward

It’s the shot of your foot that your 3-year-old took

The shot of your husband sleeping with his mouth open as wide as it can go

The shot of the ocean that’s perfect, even blurry

It’s time to make room on our mantles and coffee tables for this kind of joy.

The real-life authentic kind

The joy that’s found in those moments when people are vulnerable

And real

When they’re too busy to say cheese

Photos, after all, aren’t just evidence of special occasions taking place

They’re evidence of life taking place

And life, it turns out, is messy

Joyful and messy.


We are born with courage

With curiosity

With an instinct to create

Just as Pyotr Smirnoff did over 150 years ago

It’s a spirit that’s in all of us

But what you do with it

Is yours and yours alone

To express in a way that only you can

It’s spirit you can’t ignore

Because there are statements to be made.

And marks to be left.

There are songs to be written

And Eighties hits to be belted

There are fans to be entertained

And kings to be dethroned

There are masterpieces to be drawn

And portraits to be painted

There are sculptures to be molded

And minds to be blown

There are challenges to be met

And worms to be wormed

Whatever it is that you stand before

Whatever it is that you’re about to do

Is yours

Smirnoff. Yours for the making.


Once upon a time, we changed the world.

 We shrunk it.

 We enlarged it.

 Made it faster.

 Made it more fun.

 Made it come together.

 And today, we can change the world again. By doing things better than we’ve ever done them before.

 And if we keep doing it right

 Everybody will be safe…

 Everybody will have the latest technology…literally, at their fingertips.

 Everybody will be helping to make a cleaner world

 And everybody will be reminded just how fun…driving can be.

 Today, we are heading down a new road.

 And it would be a lot more fun…

 If you came along for the ride.

 Ford. Everybody In.


We realized something a long time ago

That we’re all in this boat together.

On the same ocean

On the same planet

That nothing else has the growth

The returns

And the potential

That this investment does  

Because when our world prospers, we all do

Plain and simple.

This is not a bandwagon for us, it’s a driving force

That’s guided us since day one

And about a century before it became trendy

Truth is, we never saw any other way

And still don’t.

A lot has changed in our world and in investing since 1898

One thing hasn’t

Our commitment to investing first into the things that matter most

Into the longest term investment there is

The one investment we will all benefit from

NUVEEN. Investing by example.


If you run

Chances are at one time or another, you’ve gotten that look from someone.

That scrunched up, judgy face “You’re crazy” look.

Maybe it was raining out. Or snowing.

Or just way too early in the morning.

But there’s something that those non-runners may not fully comprehend.

Crazy is a compliment.

It’s a badge of honor

We know we’re straddling the line between obsession and sport.

Between fitness and compulsion.

And it isn’t understanding we crave

It’s miles.

People didn’t understand Forrest Gump when he took off and never turned back.

But they still cheered for him.

Truth is, only those of us who run know why we do it.

Know how it makes us feel

How it makes our heads buzz

Our pants fit

How it makes us happy.

The only true understanding we crave

Is from those who create our most prized possession.

Our shoes.

It takes crazy to understand crazy.

So we aren’t about to trust someone normal with what goes on our feet.

They have to be a little off.

They have to think how we think.

We have to speak the same language.

Because someone who posts pictures of their blisters on Facebook deserves a shoe designed by someone who studied traction from an octopus.

Someone who tapes their nipples deserves a shoe made by someone whose mesh design was inspired by prisons.

Someone who ignores their doctor and runs through injuries needs a shoe designed by someone who figured how to build-in actual rice paddies for absorption.

And all those someones work for Asics.

Crazy meets crazy.

At Asics we approach the design and innovation of our shoes like no other company.

It’s built into our Japanese DNA to do things that are unexpected, imaginative and completely original.

To be inspired by all parts of our culture, especially ones that appear to have no connection to running whatsoever.

Because no one else thought to look in those places before.

To look elsewhere for inspiration

That’s why their shoes look the same

And stay the same.

We take risks just like you do.

So you can run

Run faster, longer, more comfortably.

Some might call us crazy, too.

And to that, we say thank you.

Because we’re crazy in honor of every runner out there who’s been called crazy, too.

Runners who we’ve helped stand atop every Olympics podium since 1984.

That’s a special kind of crazy.

Asics. Good Crazy.